Blood of Jesus

The blood of Jesus runneth deep
Deep enough to cover all your sin.
There is no depth to which you can sink
There is no thought that you can think
There is no secret place
That’s beyond the reach of grace
Blood that covers, blood that covers
Blood that covers all our sin.

The blood of Jesus reaches wide
Wide enough to overwhelm our sin
There is nowhere man can hide
Where the love of Christ will not abide
He delivers us from that evil place
Such is the scope of redeeming grace
Blood that conquers, blood that conquers
Blood that conquers all our sin.

The blood of Jesus is ever strong
Strong to cast out all all our sin
There is no land beyond His reach
The blood of the Word shall forever preach
Until the day a man dies
It redeems and sanctifies
Blood that casts out, blood that casts out
Blood that casts out all our sin.

The blood of Jesus cleanses clean
Cleanses us from all our sin
It cleanses those who are defiled
Cleanses us and reconciles
And every one who is redeemed
Is cleansed by the blood and we are clean
Blood that cleanses, blood that cleanses
Blood that cleanses from our sin.

Anthony Foster
February 13, 2011


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