You Have Set Your Throne on High

You have set Your throne on high
May Your Kingdom come on Earth
Your redemption draweth nigh
As we manifest your Worth.
In Your good and pleasing, perfect will
Revealed as a sacrifice
We live in this and so fulfill
The sufferings of Christ.

So set your throne in us
Your slaves who have become
Your children, heirs and living trust
Until your Kingdom comes
For as You died and then were raised
As your power in us attains
We live and move to see you praised
Your Sovereign grace e’re reigns.

You have set Your throne on High
And from Your mercy seat
The call of the cross bids us come and die
And to worship at Your feet.
And so we boldly enter in
Your presence shall never depart
As we leave behind what might have been,
Build Your altar within our heart.

So set your throne in us
Raise us to the heavenlies
The sanctified who were declared just
By the truth that set us free
For as You died and then were raised
This same power in us attains
We live and move to see you praised
Your Sovereign grace e’re reigns.

April 17, 2011
Anthony Foster


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