Blog? What's a blog?

Yes, this is an indication of how life has changed in the Foster abode. Facebook has dwindled to nothingness as well. It's also a function of the past year where we were not allowed to share the common occurances in our own household because our daughter was a ward of the state and we had no leeway in the matter. It will take some intentionality to get back to communicating appropriately! That being said,

Everything is fairly routine, as much as is possible with us. We didn't travel much for Christmas and that was a boon. We did make one trip to Owensboro to see friends who moved there recently (and pick up the University of Kentucky basketball tickets they provided.) It was ostensibly a trip for our daughter to reconnect with her former foster parents who will, we anticipate, continue to be friends of the family. The reunion went well at a local restaurant. It was especially good for our daughter to see her foster sis (the foster parents’ biological daughter) who is in college majoring in elementary education, and who has a very good relationship with our daughter. our daughter got to see some of her old friends at her old church the next day.

My mom is enjoying having a granddaughter at long last. We are still struggling with the Lord's will on whether to build near her, expand, or buy a new home. We are getting cramped where we are and have cut back and given away a lot. Being crsmped makes for great bonding opportunities, though!

Earnie had wisdom tooth surgery this week so daddy is pulling double duty till we can get her healed. She had a vein nicked and has a large hematoma that the doc thinks will give more trouble than the surgery. She has been laid up for a couple of days but at least the political news has been occupying her mind. Our daughter has been a big help- this is one of her gifts- she loves helping. If we can get her to see that the mundane chores are "helping" as well we will be on a roll.

Sadly, we cannot travel to our niece's funeral today. BK was our Down's Syndrome child, a real joy and blessing to us all. She died this week at age 54, far beyond what is the life expectancy for such children. She was loved and well cared for all her days, and loved the Lord so now she is whole and healthy with the Lord. Please lift her parents up in prayer.

I’d like to share the jist of a note we received in reply to a thank you we sent. This was from a worker at a SNAP event where few very children attended (their workers didn't come through) in March. We were at the point of giving up and walking away when she came up and started a conversation with us. She told us yesterday that the Lord should get the credit for the adoption because He whispered to her at that event that she should tell us specifically about our daughter, who at that time was not even in the system or available for adoption because of a recently failed adoption attempt.

We already knew where credit is due, but it's just another sweet note of affirmation. Though not required (grace never is), it is appreciated and counted as another blessing! It has been a confounding number of events and circumstances that only have a design to them if you look from heaven's perspective. Walking by faith and not by sight is absolutely mandatory.

Love to you,



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