Grafted In

(This thought is the basis of our journey- the very clear teaching that we as believers are chosen and grafted into the life of the True VIne. Adoption is at the core of who we are.)

Romans 11:17-24

Grafted in to the root of an olive tree
Though once barren, its roots run deep
Chosen child, given a new identity
A new name that you will keep.

So the master gardener takes his time
And discerns which plants to choose
Our soil is rich and so he binds
Your branch until we fuse

By his cuts He exposes our secret place
With our bark stripped back to reveal
Our very core ready to embrace
Your wound till our union can heal

We are the stock, you are the scion
We are the root that you will rely on
And we will bear more beautiful fruit
As your partake of the life of our root.

And so like flames united thus
Our flames burn bright and true
The gardener will prune us
Till our life runs through you.

June 24, 2011
Anthony Foster


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