Jesus Loves Me- a song from the Journey

I am so glad that my father above
tells us in his word of his wonderful love
Glorious truth in the Bible I see.
This is the dear word the clear word - my ear's heard that Jesus loves me.

Jesus loves me and you know I love him.
Love brought him to me my soul to redeem
It was for love that he died on the tree.
When I am hurting and burdened I'm certain that Jesus loves me.

If I forget or wander away,
still he will love me should ever I stray.
Back to his loving arms I will flee,
f I will turn and I learn, I'll return, for Jesus loves me

There is a song I can always sing,
when in his glory I worship my king
This is my song for all eternity-
It will amaze me and raise me for praise be! My Jesus loves me.

Anthony Foster 1991


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