There is a city on a hill
A place for us to rest
Erected there from living stones
Built on a rock that stands the test
A firm foundation from a stone
That once was cast away
Smitten and stricken by our sin
But now is exalted and raised
The stricken rock poured forth its grace
The smitten stone now flows
For by the wounding we are healed
Joy comes through a flood of woes
For he bore our sins in his Body
This rock of offense was reviled
And cast out from the holy city
So that we might be reconciled
In a city of refuge
A place of mercy and of grace
For He is our rock of refuge
And justice shall reign in this place
Protection for the weary
Asylum for the weak
Who know their neediness of hope
Opened for those who seek
He takes us to his wounded side
And guards us from our sin
The penitent pilgrim he forgives
For he knows the hearts of men
He redeems all our transgressions
He restores us from our shame
He removes the fear of even death
And gives us a new name.
In a city of refuge
The lost are found, the wounded healed
For He is our refuge
In the shade of this rock is light revealed
And now in safety we abide
Our security made sure
In the smitten stone we now reside
In the cleft of the rock secure
Within the cleft sin’s rod has left
A place for us to hide
And in the wounds we find our home
If we will come inside.
In a city of refuge
The lost are found, the wounded healed
For He is our refuge
In the shade of this rock is light revealed
And now in safety we abide
Our security made sure
In the smitten stone we now reside
In the cleft of the rock secure
Anthony Foster
July 31, 2012
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