A Christmas Wish for You

In Jacob's house a star did rise- a scepter out of Israel
One who redeems and sanctifies-  just as the prophets did foretell.
Sacrifices  did not reconcile God's righteousness and peace
They only pointed to this child in whom we find release.

He came to be our Savior- our ark and covenant
He came to bestow favor no one save him may grant.
For holiness demands a price for God and man to meet
A pure and final sacrifice laid on the mercy seat.

Under the wings of cherubim God's Glory dwelt in love
Now Glory fully dwells in Him who we're made in the image of.
For in this baby is the place where atonement and truth meet-
A Savior born to be embraced is now our mercy seat...

May you fully experience the Joy of the Lord this Christmas

The Foster Family 2012


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