

Break forth like the rising sun I pray…
With Heaven’s glory dawns this day
To pierce our darkness with your light
Deliver us  by the power of your might!

The fiery advent of God’s grace
Will drive the darkness from this place
And fill the earth with the glorious glow
Of hearts made hearths His flame to show

Oh glory come to fill our night
We glory in celestial light
Christ comes to make the darkness bright
Oh come to us dear Christmas Light

Oh light the darknes cannot dim
Shine forth from the very face of him
Whose righteous glory is displayed
In radience that shall never fade!

So may we walk in your bright path
And so  be saved from fiery wrath
All who’re found within this light
That conquers death and makes us right

Oh glory come to fill our night
We glory in celestial light
Christ comes to make the darkness bright
Oh come to us dear Christmas Light

Anthony Foster
December 11, 2003


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