Love Came Down

Love Came Down

The radiance of heaven is found within the face
Of the One who is sustaining all creation
And now to us this glory is passed into this place
How can earth bear the weight of jubilation?
We have seen the glory of the only begotten son
We have heard the joy of the song the angel's sung.
Heaven's glory is here on earth
Heaven's glory in this Holy birth
So come let us worship as we kneel before His throne
Now come let us adore Him and make his glory known!
Heaven is wherever He is
And that is where I desire to stay
Hjeaven is found where Jesus dwells
Let time and eternity visit us today
And heaven comes down to visit us Emmanuel on Earth
God is with us Evermore in our blessed Savior's birth.
We have seen the glory of the only begotten son
We have heard the joy of the song the angel's sung.
Heaven's glory is here on earth
Heaven's glory in this Holy birth
So come let us worship as we kneel before His throne
Now come let us adore Him and make his glory known!

Anthony Foster
December 23,1998


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