
Starbeams, Crossbeams

Starbeams of light up in the sky
Showing forth as we draw nigh
One beam reaches up and down
One beam reaches side to side
To declare to the world the lamb of God
Emmanuel has come to us to abide

A mothers travail and her child's cry
Come to give the answer why.
Starbeams, crossbeams
Telling us what life can mean
Sign of promise, signs of life
Sign of joy and signs of strife.

Starbeams, crossbeams
Reaching forth to fill our dreams
Dreams of life and peace on earth
Dreams of death and of rebirth

Crossbeams of wood up in the sky
Showing forth as we draw nigh
One beam reaches up and down
One beam reaches side to side
To declare to the world the lamb of God
Has come now to be crucified.

A mothers travail and her child's cry
Come to find the answer why.
Starbeams, crossbeams
Telling us what life can mean
Sign of promise, signs of life
Sign of joy and signs of strife.

Starbeams, crossbeams
Reaching forth to fill our dreams
Dreams of life and peace on earth
Dreams of death and of rebirth

Anthony Foster
December 24,1998


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