

Decorate my  heart with light
Hang your green upon my walls
Set my  soul ablaze tonight
And dwell in newly hallowed halls

For every door is open wide
To bid the babe to come inside.
For every door is open wide
To bid the babe to come inside.

Star of David   so bright
Overshadowed by Bethlehem’s star tonight
The daystar, morningstar  gives us His light
Shining by the power of His might

For every door is open wide
To bid the babe to come inside.
For every door is open wide
To bid the babe to come inside.

Overshadowed by the one
Who shines more brightly than the sun
For the star of the morning is brighter by far
Than the sun in our sky and the moon and the stars.

For every door is open wide
To bid the babe to come inside.
For every door is open wide
To bid the babe to come inside.

December 14, 2003
Anthony Foster


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