Glorious Advent

The seed of the woman is now born
The seed protected from life’s storm
Through flood and famine, war, and strife
God preserved His promise of new life
All history has bowed its knee
To the Father’s sovereign strategy
The scarlet thread has given rise
To the Savior who was prophesied

The Word made flesh has dwelt among us
So that He might dwell within us.
And that, my friends is glorious
That, my friends is glorious

Now he comes in human form to us
He who made man from the dust
The God-man will rise from the dead
To crush the serpent’s hoarey head
Dabar, the Logos, Word made flesh
The very word of life made fresh
God’s gift for those who will receive.
Now indwells those who will believe.

The Word made flesh has dwelt among us
So that He might dwell within us.
And that, my friends is glorious
That, my friends is glorious

Anthony Foster
Genesis 3, John 1
December 24, 2012


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