Anchor of our Souls

He is the harbor and the hedge
A place of abiding rest
To not forsake us is His pledge
In Him is blessedness.

Oh anchor for our souls
A secure foundation
Keeper of your fold
There is now no condemnation

Lest we should drift away
In stranger tides each day
Come hold us fast we pray
Anchor of our souls.
Our spirits’ sure defense
Rock of Righteousness
In you forever blessed
Anchor of our souls

Rule over the appetites
That with our souls wage war
Secure us in the shallows
Secure us in the storms

So come embrace us in Your arms
He will  draw us to His side
Your mighty love will anchor us
In our hearts come to abide

Oh anchor for our souls
A secure foundation
Keeper of your fold
There is now no condemnation

Lest we should drift away
In stranger tides each day
Come hold us fast we pray
Anchor of our souls.

Anthony Foster
August 2013


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