Rooted in the Resurrected One

The seed of the woman promised to Eve
The covenant promises to all who would believe
The joy of the scarlet thread woven in the word
The praise of heaven now on the earth is heard

Christ is Come
We are Rooted in the resurrected one
Christ is Come
We are Rooted in the resurrected one

Word made flesh among us dwells
Ancient of Days and God most High
Exalted one of Heaven now came to die
Holy Holy Holy Christ

Comforter, full of wonder
Came to tear death asunder
Came the serpent’s skull to crush
Came to raise children of dust.

One who has died
One who was raised
We gather around
And this glory we praise

Christ is Come
We are Rooted in the resurrected one
Christ is Come
We are Rooted in the resurrected one
Rooted in the resurrected one
Rooted in the resurrected one

Anthony Foster
July 2013


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