The Way of the Cross

Come by the way of the cross.
Come by the way of the cross
We receive our freedom
purchased at the cross of Christ
We receive forgiveness
In His final sacrifice

The rugged wretched cross
where his purpose was fulfilled
The rugged wretched cross
Where all our wounds are healed
God says I love you at the cross
For He is willing to forgive
Forgive and cleanse you of all your sins
So you can truly live

Atonement and remission
Through blood poured out for us that day
A price was paid on our behalf
One we could never pay

The true meaning is an offense
It confronts our hearts of stone
A confrontation all of us must face
Found at the cross alone.

The way of the cross leads home
The way of the cross leads home
The way of the cross leads home

Anthony Foster
November 2013


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