Very Present Help

Christ be our strength and our refuge
A Rock in a troublesome day
Our ark within the great deluge
To our tower of power we pray.

Lord of Hosts be our stronghold
Lord of Hosts, calm our fears, make us bold
Our striving must cease if we’d know sweet release
And the peace worth  more than riches untold.

Lord be  our very present help, very present help
Very present help in our time of need.
You are our very present help, very present help
Very present help in our time of need.

We who walk in darkness still need your great light
All those dead in their sins need your new life
A new glory you’ll make for you own glory’s sake
We shall be satisfied as you dawn on our sight.

From the darkness that burdens our souls we’d be freed
Meet us now, even now in the time of our need
Rise up and redeem us for your lovingkindness’ sake
Com quickly and rescue and our bondages break

Lord be our very present help, very present help
Very present help in our time of need.
You are our very present help, very present help
Very present help in our time of need.

Anthony Foster 
December 8, 2013


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