
Deep is the fountain of promise
Deep is the mystery of death
Deeper still is the river of life
That calls us into its depths.

Down, down into the deep
The blood calls out to those who sleep
Plunge into its undertow
And into its life-giving flow.

Cover us Lord, cover us
With the water of your Word
The cleansing power poured out on us
Wash us  as it is heard.
Cover us, Lord cover us
With lovingkindness’ flood
Until we are clean again
Purged by your cleansing blood.

Deep is the river of mercy
That flows from the storehouse of grace
Each time one steps into its current
The guilt of sin is erased.

So down into the deep
There your own you will keep
And none may ever fathom  this
None may plumb the depths of bliss­­­

Cover us Lord, cover us
With the water of your Word
The cleansing power poured out on us
Wash us  as it is heard.
Cover us, Lord cover us
With lovingkindness’ flood
Until we are clean again
Purged by your cleansing blood.

Anthony Foster
March 5, 2014


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