
The weight of this world can never compare
To the weight of the Glory in which we have a share
Now all of our suffering and every loss
Is redeemed by the beautiful grace of the cross.

Always glory, always praise
Will spring from our hearts for all our days.

Transformed from one glory and into the next
Now assurance remains where once we were perplexed
The source, aim, and purpose of creation we see,
For everything changes when we bend the knee.

Always glory, always praise
Will spring from our hearts for all our days.

Of your lifechanging, lifegiving love we now sing
By your lovingkindness and your longsuffering
We find we are drawn closer still to your side
And we are undone as we learn to abide.

Always glory, always praise
Will spring from our hearts for all our days.

Anthony Foster
April 21, 2014
Romans 11:36


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