Momentous Sacrifice

Only begotten son
Come to be sacrificed
Ready to bear the burden
Ready to pay the price

Built us up an altar
Come and bear the weight
Arrange the wood and call down fire
Be bound, lie still, and wait…

The momentous sacrifice
Is the Work of Jesus Christ
Living to die and dying to live
This is the righteousness that will suffice
The momentous sacrifice

God’s self satisfaction comes
Through his own self-substitution.
And such is the momentous price
That purchased our salvation

Through the blood we are bought
Redeemed by God’s own blood
With the blood we’re overcomers
Covered by the Lamb of God

He has done the mighty thing
The mountains will be laid low
The valley will be exalted
The last will be first-And the first will be last
And we will understand what we know.

The momentous sacrifice
Is the Work of Jesus Christ
Living to die and dying to live
Love to the uttermost Jesus now gives
This is the righteousness that will suffice
The momentous sacrifice!

Anthony Foster

August 17, 2014


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