Our Very Present Help

Our strength and our tower
In troublesome times
In you alone our refuge we find
We shall not fear, we will be bold
Lord of Hosts be our stronghold
Cease striving and know God is God…

Our very present help
Rise up and redeem us
Be our helper in this hour
For the sake of lovingkindness
Our very present help in time of need.

You have set your throne on high
You manifest your wrath
Your redemption draweth nigh
As your kingdom comes on earth
Sovereign mercy-mighty and free
Compassion extended to you and to me

Our very present help
Rise up and redeem us
Be our helper in this hour
For the sake of lovingkindness
Our very present help in time of need.

I need you oh I need you,
Every hour I need you
Oh bless me know my Savior
I come to Thee.

Anthony Foster


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