Peaceable and Precious Fruit

We flee the furious fruit that Adam ate
And pursue the righteousness that is our fate
We are found in the holy One we confess
He makes us the fruit of righteousness

Fruit of the tree of life
Oh taste of the Spirit’s fruit
Peaceable and precious
Springing from the righteous root.
Peaceable and Precious fruit
Growing on the living vine
Flowing from one righteous root
This is the vinedresser’s design.

A fruit that is to be consumed
To nourish others once we’ve bloomed
The produce of the seed that’s died
Fruit of the tree where Christ was crucified.

Fruit of the tree of life
Oh taste of the Spirit’s fruit
Peaceable and precious
Springing from the righteous root.
Peaceable and Precious fruit
Growing on the living vine
Flowing from one righteous root
This is the vinedresser’s design.

June 4, 2014
Third PDay

Anthony Foster


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