The Glory of Grace

Oh the depths of love in the Father for the Son
Oh His all surpassing joy to see Christ’s Kingdom come
Oh the blessedness of those whom in Him are placed
For here in the Beloved we taste.. the glory of Grace

Oh the mighty work by which Wrath was satisfied
Oh the cleansing  power of perfection that has died
Oh to be raised again, our sentence to erase
Now Here in the Beloved, we taste… the glory of Grace

Oh, this is but a foretaste, it is but a glimpse
The Spirit is revealing Grace in its truest sense
And all the promises of God in Him we now embrace
They are Yes, and in Him are Amen…by the Glory of Grace

To the Glory of or God through us
Lovingkindness  rains down on dust
To the glory of our God through us,
We do good and in God we Trust

But now we live in the light of the unseen Fed by the holy fields we glean.
It does not yet appear what we shall be For when He comes then we shall see!
Now I know only in part; And not as He has known my heart.
But then, in full, I shall know-The not-yet shall be as the now.

Oh, soon the heavy shadow cast by the living stone
Gives way and is replaced by that which is to come
We see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face.
For then in the Beloved, we end our race… in the glory of Grace.

2 Cor 1:20
2 Cor 4:18
1 Cor 13:12

August 26, 2014
Anthony Foster


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