Understand and Know Me

Understand and know Me
That I am the Lord of  Lovingkindness
Justice and righteousness
Understand and know Me
Understand and know Me
Full of manifold mercy
Full of grace and humility
Come to the cross and live
Believe in the provision I give
Lift up your eyes and be given new sight
For in these things I delight  

But let him who boasts boast in this,
that he understands and knows me,
Let him worship me for all my Worth
For he understands and knows me,
That I am the LORD who practices 
steadfast love, and  justice from above,
That I am the LORD who practices
righteousness in the earth. 

For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.
For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.” 

Understand and know Me
That I am the Lord of  Lovingkindness
Justice and righteousness
Understand and know Me
Understand and know Me
Full of manifold mercy
Full of grace and humility
Come to the cross and live
Believe in the provision I give
Lift up your eyes and be given new sight
For in these things I delight  

Anthony Foster
August 18, 2014
Jeremiah 9:24



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