Accepted in the Beloved

You draw us to the light-
Delivered from the dark
You give us new sight
You soften hard hearts
To seek and to serve you
To listen and hear
To focus more clearly
On what you hold dear

Oh Lord be our vision
Oh Lord be the stake
To which we are tethered
To live for your sake
So as your beloved
The riches of Grace
Are lavished upon us
As we run this race

And grace upon grace is ours
To the praise of your glory
To the praise of your power
And we are protected
And mercy is proved
No longer rejected
So we are accepted
In the beloved

Now emblazen our hearts
As we reckon what’s real
We sense the Almighty
In His works is revealed
Is His love for His Bride
The miraculous reason
For which HE DIED!

The mystery of His Will
Is now made known
According to His wise
Intentions alone
Sum up all the heavens
Sum up all the Earth
The life we inherit
Is greater in worth.

And grace upon grace is ours
To the praise of your glory
To the praise of your power
And we are protected
And mercy is proved
No longer rejected
So we are accepted
In the beloved

Anthony Foster
February 27, 2017


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