As Sure as the Rising of the Son

It is accomplished, it is finished, it is done
The fulfillment of God’s promise in the Son
As he declares the victory in his final breath
He is made our Savior by obedience unto death

Sin is punished we are forgiven
Cosmic powers are undone
Man is liberated and death is destroyed
The light of immortality has come

God and man are reconciled
The enemy becomes His child
A new heaven and earth will one day dawn
As sure as the rising of the Son!

On the third day the dawn breaks
The first day of covenant grace
The temple rises up and what a noise it makes
Resounding through eternity is praise

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed
The Lord is risen, He is risen indeed
Any be his freedom we are freed
Christ is risen indeed!

The miracle of miracles
that changes everything
The grave and death are both transformed
By the healing in His wings

In the resurrection story
Is the new and living way
Hallelujah what a glory
Hallelujah what a day!

Death is defeated and life is completed
In Him we overcome
The corpse has awoken- Death’s power Is broken
And victory is Won!

Sin is punished we are forgiven
Cosmic powers are undone
Man is liberated and death is destroyed
The light of immortality has come

God and man are reconciled
The enemy becomes His child
A new heaven and earth will one day dawn
As sure as the rising of the Son!

Anthony Foster

Easter 2017


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