Great God, Almighty

Great God! Your glories shall employ
My holy fear, my humble joy;
My lips in songs of honor bring
Their tribute to the eternal King.
Earth, and the stars, and worlds unknown,
Depend upon yourroyal throne;
All nature hangs upon your will,
And grace and glory the earth fill.

His sovereign power what mortal knows?
When He commands, who dares oppose?
With strength he girds himself around,
And treads the rebels to the ground.
Who shall pretend to teach him skill,
Or guide the counsels of his will?
His wisdom, like a sea divine,
Flows deep and far beyond our time

Great God, Almighty, most Holy One
Your love conquers all when the day is done
Above all others you reign alone
Now you bid us to stand before your glorious throne!

The eternal law before him stands;
His justice, in His righteous hands,
Divides to all their due reward,
Either by the sceptre or the sword.
His mercy, like a boundless sea,
Washes our guilt and sets us free
Filled with your love, I dare proclaim
The brightest honors of your name.

Great God, Almighty, most Holy One
Your love conquers all when the day is done
Above all others you reign alone
Now you bid us to stand before your glorious throne!

After Isaac Watts
July 29, 2018
Anthony Foster


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