I Do Not Lose Heart

I look to the things I cannot see
I will walk by faith and not sight
Fixing my gaze on the invisible truth
I will continue to fight the good fight

So I do not lose heart, I do not lose heart
I renew my inner man as I learn to see
I’ll look beyond my senses, perfecting the art
Of apprehending the most precious realities.

God said ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’
He has shone in our hearts to give the light
Of the knowledge of the glory of God
In the face of or Lord Jesus Christ”

So go on seeking with new eyes
Seeing with the eyes of the heart
The truth that sets you free will make you wise
Though your senses fail it will never depart.

I am being renewed day by day.
Though the things that are seen are passing away,
For our affliction in time for us will prepare
An eternal weight of glory beyond all compare
The things that are eternal are also unseen
Neverending, persisting,and evergreen
Eyes of this kind will set us apart
The unseen light will strengthen the heart

I look to the things I cannot see
I will walk by faith and not sight
Fixing my gaze on the invisible truth
I will continue to fight the good fight

2 Cor 4: 6, 16-18
Anthony Foster
July 28, 2018


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