
Before the ages began we were gifted by grace
Chosen before the world's foundations
With an everlasting love from eternity past
We were destined to become new creations

Placed in the beloved, and bought with a price
Redeemed and forgiven for all of our sins.
We are sons of God and bound to Christ
God gave us to Christ and new life begins

This stupendous reality, this breathtaking fact
We're inseparable from God's love
There's never a case where he will turn His back
On His children who're known as beloved.

Before all time we were declared just
By the righteousness of God in Christ
His own righteousness is imputed to us
Secured by one final sacrifice.

God saved us and called us to holiness
In the beloved Son we are placed
United with Christ we're eternally blessed
Because of His own purpose and grace

This stupendous reality, this breathtaking fact
We're inseparable from God's love
There's never a case where he will turn His back
On the accepted in the Beloved.

2 Timothy 1:9
Ephesians 1:4,7
2 Corinthians 5:21
Galatians 3:26
Anthony Foster
August 29, 2019


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