God and KIng

Great God and King, you reign supreme
Your glory shall ever increase
Sovereign Lord in wisdom deem
To achieve whatever you please

You rule over all your creation
You govern with power and might
Whatever the situation
You always effect what is right

You reign in majesty Yours is the victory
Kindness and love Rain down from above
And so it ever shall be

Our great God and King
You rule over everything
blessing honor and praise
Crown your glorious ways
Your kingdom shall never end
Oer all the universe it extends
Forever and ever
Forever and ever Amen

King of creation, you must rule
Till your enemies taste defeat
The unjust become your footstool
Lord tread them all under your feet

Your support is strong for those whom to you belong
Your watchful eye Surveys all to find
hearts that for your dominion long

Our great God and King
You rule over everything
blessing honor and praise
Crown your glorious ways
Your kingdom shall never end
Oer all the universe it extends
Forever and ever Forever and ever Amen

Anthony Foster
August 31, 2018


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