Jubilate Deo

Hear the incomparable shout Of love and power and glory.
The song of creation pours forth speech And tells this glorious story
There is a great God of glory and power His beauty elicits our awe
We celebrate His mighty works The same marvels the angels saw

Voicing Creation's praise Jubilate Deo
Join in Creation's praise Jubilate Deo
God is glorious! God is glorious!
God is glorious! God is glorious!

All who listen to the Day will hear it speaking with sun- blindingly bright
To the blue sky and thunderclouds give ear, and eyes behold His colors and lights
The message to all who will listen at night, to countless stars and summer moons
Speaking with great dark voids and lights, and singing their celestial tunes

Voicing creations praise Jubilate Deo
Join in Creation's praise Jubilate Deo
God is glorious! God is glorious!
God is glorious! God is glorious!

Night pours forth its “knowledge” to you and to me
These beautiful designs of all things we can see
His handiwork's wondrous how much Greater is HE!
God is glorious -hear the rousing fanfare
God is glorious -see the heavens declare
God is glorious! God is glorious!
God is glorious! God is glorious!

Beyond all question, the mystery is great from which true godliness springs
Once it was hidden but now is revealed Of His majesty now all heaven sings
All the heavens shall show forth his story In such a glorious form enshrined
Delight yourself in the Lord of glory. your supreme satisfaction you'll find

Voicing creations praise Jubilate Deo
Join in Creation's praise Jubilate Deo
God is glorious! God is glorious!
God is glorious! God is glorious!

After Praetorius and reading a devotion by John Piper
1 Timothy 3:16; Psalm 19
August 24, 2018
Anthony Foster


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