Majesty and Meekness

Messiah is a Lamb and LionHe comes to serve and reign
Both held in mighty tensionHe inflicts or bears our pain
At once He is sin bearer -takes our iniquities
He bears the penalty we face And gains the victory

The roaring Lion of Judah is worthy in God’s eyes
To op'n the scrolls of history wherein the future lies.
He came to conquer and to purge and sit on David's Throne
He came to be a mighty King and make God's glory known

His dominion knows no end- forever He shall reign
But before the crown of glory He first wore a crown of pain
The King became a servant, and laid aside his might
Humbled himself in obedience that we may be made right

In majesty and meekness the lion became the Lamb
Took on a peculiar gloryAnd for the world was slain
The Lamb was raised in glory on a cross where all might see
His majesty and meekness both mingled perfectly.

The Lamb arose again to stand, declare and demonstrate
He is the sovereign by whose blood was opened heaven's gate.
The Lion has conquered lifeand the Lamb has conquered death
Together mingled they reign-breathing one incarnate breath.

In majesty and meekness the Lion became the Lamb
Took on a peculiar glory And for the world was slain
The Lamb was raised in glory on a cross where all might see
His majesty and meeknessboth mingledperfectly.

Anthony Foster
August 31, 2018


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