My Way to Glory

Jesus worked my way to glory- God is with me, I am changed
He has closed his ranks about me My whole life is rearranged
No longer an alien, abandoned no longer
No longer a slave to sin My faith's getting stronger.

Jesus worked my way to glory Jesus died to get me there
He did the impossible His resurrection now declares
God is for us not against us, He is with us all the way
To glory I will set my sights- learn to trust and to obey.

Jesus worked my way to glory This is redemptions story
What I could never do he's done My place secured before the throne
The victory is won by God's own Son.

Jesus worked my way to glory This exempts me from God's wrath
Now just as you secured the Way lead me on that righteous path
I'll rest in His resurrection No worldly loss or worldly gain
Nor Satan's lies won't detour me or turn me from His way.

In the life and hope and righteousness that he promised I will trust
It is finished, it's accomplished Now His work declares me just
The unimaginable cost he bore That my joy could be complete
Lord circumcise my heart to love you till I glory at your feet!

Jesus worked my way to glory This is redemptions story
What I could never do he's done My place secured before the throne
The victory is won by God's own Son.

After listening to a devotional by John Piper
Anthony Foster
August 19, 2018


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