Mystery and Majesty (What the Angels Saw)

Beyond all question, the mystery is great
From which true godliness springs
Once it was hidden but now is revealed
Of His majesty now all heaven sings

This is what the angels saw This is why they stand in awe
The incarnate Son Condescended to come
He appeared in the flesh, By the Spirit vindicated
He was witnessed by angels, Who for eons had waited

Gloria in Excelsis Deo Good news the Christ brings
Fear not He is with you The angels now sing

Beyond all question, the mystery is great
How the Messiah was born
To be our sin bearer in our helpless state
The perfect sacrifice laid on the altar horn

He himself bore our sins In his flesh on the tree
He arose from the dead And became heavens key
He was preached to the nations- they received His story
In the world was believed on and taken up into glory.

Beyond all question, the mystery is great
But now is forever revealed
Our God is with us and is made manifest
In the body of Christ this is sealed.

And soon you will come back return soon our King
To complete Your calling- consummate all things
And heaven rejoices The hosts stand in awe
Of the Mystery and Majesty of what the angels saw.

1 Timothy 3:16
Anthony Foster
August 26, 2018


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