The Wounding Balm

Between the wounding of the Word
And when its healing balm is placed
There comes a time when truth is heard
And arguments are laid waste

The true condition of our hearts
And the paths we have concealed
In its light and mirror we see truth
What's hidden is by the Word revealed

The Word that wounds is the Word that heals
This paradox that the word reveals
Saves us from destructions path
And spares us from the coming wrath

It pierces through the darkness
Through marrow, joint and bone
We pursue the piercing willingly
And submit to what is shown.

It is living, it is active
This balm that heals is from our Lord
Yet faithful are the woundings
Of this piercing two-edged sword

The Word that wounds is the Word that heals
This paradox that the Word reveals
Saves us from destructions path
And spares us from the coming wrath

Anthony Foster
August 28, 2018


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