Hymn (Christ Supreme)

Christ is the image of the invisible God, Of all creation- the firstborn
For in him all things in heaven and on the earth were formed
Things visible and invisible, whether dominions or thrones
Or rulers or powers, all things have been created through and for him alone.

He himself is before all things, In Him all things hold together.
He is the head of the body, the church forever and ever!
He's the alpha, the beginning; So that he might have first place
He became the firstborn from the dead, Preeminent in all of time and space

We declare there is no greater Name and no greater mystery
Which is Christ in you, so we proclaim: This is the hope of glory.
So we are reconciled to God: Holy, blameless in God's sight.
We cast ourselves on Gospel hope We receive the Gospel light!.

For in him all the fullness Of God was pleased to dwell,
And through him God was pleased To himself, all things to reconcile
Whether on earth or in heaven, Now peace with men He makes
Through the blood of his cross. This is our hope, for His name's sake.

We declare there is no other Name and no greater mystery
Which is Christ in you, this we proclaim: This is the hope of glory.
So we are reconciled to God: Holy, blameless in God's sight.
We cast ourselves on Gospel hope We receive the Gospel light!

Colossians 1:15-23, 27-28a
Anthony Foster
September 27, 2018


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