
To the people in sin’s bondage
A call goes out to leave
The Lord offers redemption
Deliverance and reprieve
The Lord redeems His people
And each motive purifies
So embark now on your pilgrimage
Walk in the way of the wise.

For our God reigns
Your chains of bondage you can lose
Our God reigns
Become the bearers of good news!
Respond by faith to the call of God
On that pilgrim way,  the path Christ trod
To the holy city set on heaven’s hills
Into the presence of God’s promises fulfilled

Now set your sights on Zion
For the Holy city now depart
No unclean thing may enter
So God will cleanse your heart.
The way is narrow and the way is straight
So you must follow where Christ leads
A long obedience is how He guides
And upon the Rock He will set your feet

Hear the voice of your watchmen—As they lift up their voice;
for eye to eye they see the Lord in Zion.
Hear the voice of your watchmen—Together we rejoice;
for eye to eye we see the Lord in Zion.

For our God reigns
Your chains of bondage you can lose
Our God reigns
Become the bearers of good news
Respond by faith to the call of God
On that pilgrim way,  the path Christ trod
To the holy city set on heaven’s hills
Into the presence of God’s promises fulfilled

Psalm 47:8
Isaiah 57:7-10

Anthony Foster
September 26, 2018


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