
Enter now into the throne room
Of your great Creator King
With a holy fear approach him
Feel your heart begin to sing
Let His wonder make you tremble
Let His promise make you bold
As you come into His temple
As His glory you behold

Filled with awe, filled with amazement
At this access, full and free
When you greet him as your Father
You  will meet your destiny
The One who spoke creation
Who reigns in light above
Is the One who laid His life down
So that you might know His love

Tremble with joy-The closer you draw
Tremble with wonder-Tremble with awe
Tremble in sober reverence-As in Majesty you stand
He will shake your soul with glory-As He holds you in His hand.

The mighty Majesty on high
Laid down on a cruel cross
Became a servant and a reject
Suffered sin's heartbreaking cost
His atoning blood was offered
As a final sacrifice-
To cover our obscenities
Death was the purchase price

All the sin that separates you
From the Father he has borne
He who knows s as he knows himself
Took on a crown of thorns
So that he might reign in glory
Be exalted to the throne
Interceding for His beloved
Till he harvests what He's sown

Tremble with joy-The closer you draw
Tremble with wonder-Tremble with awe
Tremble in sober reverence-As in Majesty you stand
He will shake your soul with glory-As He holds you in His hand.

On a hillside called Golgotha
The serpent's skull was crushed
Christ has left this broken angel
Ruined and writhing in the dust
He ransacks the devil's prisons
He has set the prisoners free
He has broken his dominion
At His name see Satan flee

Turning mourning into dancing
Bringing triumph over death
Changing agony to comfort
As we breathe His Spirits breath
He'll not leave you or forsake you
In your suffering and strife
So take courage as He guides you
Through the battlefield of life

Tremble with joy-The closer you draw
Tremble with wonder-Tremble with awe
Tremble in sober reverence-As in Majesty you stand
He will shake your soul with glory-As He holds you in His hand.

September 24, 2018
Anthony Foster


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