Depend on It

God's love is secure
His provision is sure
You can depend on it
God's plans for you
Will always come true
You can depend on it

His light will illumine
The truth that we seek
The earth we'll inherit
If we become meek
His grace is sufficient
Whenever we're weak
You can depend on it.

So join the mighty chorus
He is ever for us
You can depend on it
More sure than the sun
Setting when day is done
You can depend on it

We are his forever
Forever held fast
The truth that He gives us
Is truth that will last
For eternity future 
As in eternity past
You can depend on it

His children will prosper
His people will win
His blood overcomes all
The depths of our sin
He draws us to his side
were His in the end
You can depend on it
You can depend on it
You can depend on it

Anthony Foster
October 30, 2018


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