Humble Joy and Holy Fear (Psalm 32)

Blest is the man, forever blest,
Whose guilt is pardoned by his God;
Whose sins with sorrow are confessed,
And covered with his Savior's blood.
Blest is the man to whom the Lord
Imputes not his iniquities;
He pleads no merit of reward,
Not works, but grace is His sole plea

Repentance and free pardon;
By Grace we are Justified
Haughty hearts that were hardened
By Grace are being Sanctified
Souls that long for Christ to appear
Will arise to stand before His throne.
Yet humble joy, and holy fear
By these shall all Gods saints be known

From guile his heart and lips are free;
His contrite joy, his reverent fear,
With deep repentance well agree,
And join to prove his faith sincere.
Christ cancels sins, and fear allays
How glorious is His righteousness!
While a bright evidence of grace
Through saints' whole life is manifest.

Repentance and free pardon;
By grace we are Justified
Haughty hearts that were hardened
By Grace are being Sanctified
Souls that long for Christ to appear
Will arise to stand before His throne.
Yet humble joy, and holy fear
By these shall all Gods saints be known

After Isaac Watts
October 30, 2018
Anthony Foster


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