Our strength is but a broken cisternBut you’rean overflowing stream
We set our minds on things belowAnd pursue frivolous dreams
Turnus, turn us, mighty God,And mold our souls afresh;
Break, sovereign grace, these hearts of stone,And give us hearts of flesh.
Let every wall that we erectProvoke our weeping eyes,
And hourly as new mercies fallLet hourly thanks arise.
This is our lamentationThis is our deep regret
Forbid that we should waste your graceAs we are doing yet.
Devastated and undoneIt is to you I run
I cast myself on YouAnd Your mercies come anew
But to bend is my desire Break me if that is required
Lord hear my lament And give me grace to repent
We invest such energy in things that pass away
The wood and hay and stubble will all soon decay
Avert our minds and set them on the unseen things above
The good the true the beautiful and the pursuit of love
Crush my haughty spirit and decimate my pride
Your flame, let me draw near it so i am purified
Help me hate my sinfulness until I learn to mourn
The things that grieve your Spirit I would scorn.
Devastated and undoneIt is to you I run
I cast myself on YouAnd Your mercies come anew
But to bend is my desire Break me if that is required
Lord hear my lament And give me grace to repent
Change our laughter to mourning we would grieve, and mourn and wail.
Turn our joy into gloomandMake our best devices fail
When we drink of this worlds prizeswe drink a bitter cup
But if we humble ourselvesbefore the Lord, thenhe will lift usup.
You would transform myhumble stateConform meto Your Son
Subect me to your goodnessAnd I will be undone
Raise me up from daily deathto life There is no greater pleasure
Your word is life and breathso make your presencemy great treasure
Devastated and undone It is to you I run
I cast myself on You And Your mercies come anew
But to bend is my desire Break me if that is required
Lord hear my lament And give me grace to repent
Lines 3-6 from Isaac Watts
Anthony Foster
October 28, 2018
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