The Glory of Christ

The depths oflife are apprehended
In the fellowship of suffering.
Made one with the cross we are mended
Though broken and spilled out we sing

For now in our pain there is ultimate gain
And our suffering is not a waste
It is a small price, for the glory of Christ
Fulfills every desire we have chased

The Glory of Christ is the pearl of great price
This is the anthem we sing
All grace from Him flows , all life from him grows
And is kept by our Savior and King
He brings purpose to our suffering

So rid yourselves of all that binds you
From the beautiful glory of Christ
Let this admonition remind you
Give your all and theres no sacrifice

Forjustice, meekness, truth,and grace
Attend His glorious way.
They overcome every loss we have faced
For the glory of Christ each day

The Glory of Christ is the pearl of great price
This is the anthem we sing
All grace from Him flows , all life from him grows
And is kept by our Savior and King
He bringspurpose to our suffering

Now lifted up He was first broughtlow
Like a grain of wheat yielding much gain
So we who in ourweakness can know
Sufficient grace still attains

When we forsake all to cling and draw near
And in Him be satisfied
As we bear our cross it ismadeclear
The King of Kings is glorified

The Glory of Christ is the pearl of great price
This is the anthem we sing
All grace from Him flows, all life from Him grows
And is kept by our Savior and King
He bringspurpose to our suffering

So our Savior has gone before us
And so he leads Gods many sons
To glory with Him-He has conquered our sin
And our Judgment is over and done!

Dominions, thrones, and powers rejoice
To see him wear victorys crown.
Archangels sound his lofty praise
Every creature will one day bow down.

The Glory of Christ is the pearl of great price
This is the anthem we sing
All grace from Him flows, all life from him grows
And is kept by our Savior and King
He bringspurpose to our suffering

October 31, 2018
Anthony Foster


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