Able to Save

We have an indestructible priest
So our salvation is secure
This very day I am being saved
by an intercession that endures
Jesus is praying for us in heaven.
Through His prayers He continues His Love
This very day I am being saved
By my Great High Priest up above

Christ is able to save to the uttermost
He is the only Savior we''ll ever need
Christ is able to save to the uttermost
He lives forever to ever intercede

His indestructible priesthood
By Christ’s resurrection from the dead
The God Man is greater than a human priest
He is the perfect  priest  of the Godhead

Christ is able to save to the uttermost
He is the only Savior we''ll ever need
Christ is able to save to the uttermost
He lives forever to ever intercede

We are held fast forever by eternal prayers
Saved by everlasting advocacy
On the basis of his perfect sacrifice,
Jesus is praying  perfectly!

Christ is able to save to the uttermost
He is the only Savior we''ll ever need
Christ is able to save to the uttermost
He lives forever to ever intercede!

Hebrews 7:25
1 John 2:1
Romans 8:34

Anthony Foster
November 26, 2018


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