Home Forever

There will be a banquet one day,
a table for the saints will be set
Not a one will be left out
No hunger left unmet

Not a one there will be nameless
No one will be unknown
No one with no place to sit
We will finally be home

We are home home forever
We are finally off the road
We have set all our affections
On our heavenly abode
There in the Father's table
In the Kingdom of our King
We will revel in His presence
And His praise forever sing!

One day the feast will be laid out
Full of satisfying fare
And everyone will eat their fill
With plenty left to spare

There at the banquet table
All the redeemed will belong
We'll feast on God's provision
And then we'll sing a song

There's a candle in the window
And it's called amazing grace
It will guide our way to Glory
Where we'll see Christ face to face
Where all hungering is fulfilled
Where He quenches every thirst
And we'll eat and drink in delight
But we'll worship Jesus first

We are home, home forever
We are finally off the road
We have set all our affections
On our heavenly abode
There in the Father's table
In the Kingdom of our King
We will revel in His  presence
And His praise forever sing!

Anthony Foster
November 23, 2018


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