Hope is Born

In darkness languishing in rhythms black as night
The world in mourning waits and waits and waits upon the light
But no lights avails
Prayers seem to fail
And all thatremains are some sad refrains
For those who sit in darkness with no hope of change in sight

But there was a prophecy foretold long before
That one would crush the skull of Satan and the light restore
But as they sat there pondering
The advent of Messiah-KIng
All hope had died- Then a baby cried
A cry that would one day turn into a ferocious roar

Hope is born- to us this day
Hope is born- to bear the dark away
The promise is this little child
Now God and man can be reconciled
For in the darkest night God made a way

Now the prophecy`s fulfilled so it begins
The one whwould come to bear away our darkest sins
Has come to us to live and dwell
The promise of Emmanuel
All hope had died- Then a baby cried
And now the enemies can become forever friends.

The story of the Christ is not a fable
It is a living word that is more than able
He rose up from His grave
A dying world to save
This is the very babe there in that stable.
A hope that eternally springs
A hope that the new life brings
To a world forelorn
To men who mourn
Hope is born in us again and so we sing!

Hope is born- to us this day
Hope is born- to bear the dark away
The promise is this little child
Now God and man can be reconciled
For in the darkest night God made a way

November 22, 2018
Anthony Foster


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