Joy To All Who Love the Lord

In this advent of the Savior
We shall find our perfect peace
Joy to all who have found favor
All those with whom God is pleased

Joy eternal, Joy abundant
Lifts our hearts to Christ in praise
In our Joy we find contentment
Blessedto boldly stand amazed!

Joy to all who Love the Lord
Exult in Glory at His throne
Sing in One triumphant chord
We find Joyin Youalone!

Youhave come to earth to save us
Youhave come our sin to bear
Youarose and life you gave us
We receive your tender care

So we sing in jubilation
So we sing in one accord
Yea, we sing in exultation
Joy to all who Love the Lord!

Joy to all who Love the Lord
Exult in Glory at His throne
Sing in One triumphant chord
We find Joyin Youalone!

November 30, 2018
Anthony Foster


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