The Word of God Will Rescue Me

The Word of God is our hope and stay- The good news of God’s love
And the warnings of His judgment day are sharp, living and active enough
To interpose their power within, to penetrate down to my soul
And show me that the lies of sin are really lures that seek control.

The Word of God will rescue me
And make the devil turn and flee
The Word of God will rescue me
And give me eyes that I might see.

The Word of God’s promise is like op`ning a great window bright
Casting out the darkest night with overwhelming morning light
With the deceits revealed I see Through sin`s deceptive masquerade
It drives the truth straight through to me, The heart`s deep chasms to invade

The Word of God will rescue me
And make the devil turn and flee
The Word of God will rescue me
And give me eyes that I might see.

His promises, His Word protects us from the accuser`s potent lies
God gives his good news to unmask deceptive sins in their disguise
To harden your heart they will try from God to lure you far away
And lead to where destruction lies, but the more sure Word will save the day

The Word of God will rescue me
And make the devil turn and flee
The Word of God will rescue me
And give me eyes that I might see.

So in your battle to believe,  Be of good courage and good cheer
The worthy Word of Life receive Because the Word of God is clear
Its living, active, sharper blade- more than a two-edged sword,
Will penetrate sins dark charade -The piercing power of the Word

The word of God will rescue me
With words precious and trustworthy
They give me eyes that I might see.
And reckon their reality.
The Word of God will rescue me
And make the devil turn and flee
The Word of God will rescue me
And give me eyes that I might see.

For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

November 19, 2018
Anthony Foster


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