Resurrection Hope

It was foretold in ages past of how the dead shall live
How those who sleep deep in earth-dust shall wake
Some will rise to life eternal, Some to endless shame (Daniel 12:2, Acts 24:15, John 5:29)
And eternal torment in a fiery lake.

So our dead shall live, their bodies rise -All those who dwell in dust
Awake and sing, yea, sing for joy (Isaiah 26:19) For in this blessed hope we trust
God will ransom us from Sheol- Draw our souls out from the grave (Psalm 49:10)
Christ will revive us from the depths, (Psalm 71:20) By resurrection power raised.

For then the tomb becomes a womb
And to life anew gives birth
We'll be transformed and be reborn
Christ will raise the sons of earth

Like seeds sown in a garden Like a simple grain of wheat
That falls into the prepared earth Our fruit will much increase
Like dry bones in the desert Barren spirits will be raised
And all the relics of the fall Shall bend their knees in praise.

The Lord will keep his promises Beyond this earthly death
We shall see their fulfillment With resurrection breath.
The perishable shall put on imperishable clothes,
Garments of praise, our raiment- Covered by the one who rose.

We proclaim the blessed hope of our Lord's return
We proclaim that He shall raise the dead
We proclaim that death will know its final defeat
Vanquished by the power of our living head.

For when the tomb becomes a womb
And to life anew gives birth
We'll be transformed and be reborn
Christ will raise the sons of earth!

We'll be transformed and be reborn
Christ will raise the sons of earth!
We'll be transformed and be reborn
Christ will raise the sons of earth!

December 31, 2018
Anthony Foster


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