Three Gifts

Three gifts our Savior gives to us
To all those who believe
He gives them freely by His grace
Three gifts we must receive

He gives to us  a purpose
He gives to us a plan
To believe in Him and love others
Is his first His gift and His command

He gives to us a blessed Hope
That He will forgive our sins
And all our failures start to fade
As we overcome in Him!

He gives to us an advocate
A helper to guide our ways
To help us overcome our sin
He lives in us today!

Three gifts our Jesus gives us
From His all- surpassing wealth
A Purpose and Forgiveness
But the best gift Is Himself!

Three gifts our Savior gives to us
To all those who believe
He gives them freely by His grace
Three gifts we must receive!

December 25, 2018
Anthony Foster


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