Remind Me

Simple truths are fleeting, they are like the air we breathe
We forget so easily  the  truths that we believe
And so we must remind ourselves lest we should be deceived
And so I call to mind, time after time
I rehearse the simple truths I know  and  assurance is retrieved

“This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope:
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end.”
And as this dawns on me my faith increases.

Lord remind me of who I am
Remind me of Who you are
That all things have a plan
And heavens not so far
That you are good all the time
That I’ll reap what I sow
The battle is in my mind
So remind me of what I know

I remind myself of Truth again, lest I should  be inclined
To act as if I never knew the facts the Spirit has defined
The greatness, grace and wisdom of God I call to mind
I focus on the facts, and then my soul reacts
For once reminded I return to seek and find

“I will remember the deeds of the Lord;
yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
I will ponder all your work, and meditate
Then your mighty deeds my heart shall behold”

Ignorance is never  bliss And knowledge can be part of this
If arrogance and pride Within our hearts reside
We act as if we don’t believe And so the Holy Spirit grieves
We just can’t seem to find The grace to set our mind.
We are the cause of our own strife when we slight the way, the truth and life
With man it is impossible But with God all things are possible
For what He wills will come to pass Though our plans are like the grass
They wither and they fail But the Word of God Prevails!

Lord remind me of who I am
Remind me of Who you are
That all things have a plan
And heaven is not so far
That you are good all the time
That I’ll reap what I sow
The battle is in my mind
So remind me of what I know

(Psalm 77:11–12, Lamentations 3:21–22)
Anthony Foster
January 20, 2019


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