The Beauties of Christ
Oh God, you are rich in mercy, And because your love is great
You loved us, even when we were dead-You did not leave us to our fate
Though dead in our trespasses, You made us alive with Christ!
And so by grace we have been saved By grace Love has sufficed.
We were not fitting vessels, We had no virtuous form.
We had no eyes for beauty With which Christ is adorned.You raised us up with Jesus We’re seated in the heavenly place-
For we have now been placed in Christ For In Him we find grace
Lord thank you for new eyes to see
Now on Christ we set our minds...
The beauties of Christ are glorious
To these eyes that once were blind!
To these eyes that once were blind!
God acted without condition In the grave we heard His call-
He sovereignly awakened us And saved us from the fall.
Now the beauties of our Savior We see and apprehend
His beauties are all-glorious And they are our journey’s end.
The riches of his mercy Overflowed us in our need.
There was no negotiation And so dead men are freed!This was an act of mercy. God saw our dreadful plight
He pitied our stone coldness And called us to the light!
Lord thank you for new eyes to see
Now on Christ we set our minds...
The beauties of Christ are glorious
To these eyes that once were blind!
To these eyes that once were blind!
Lord thank you for new eyes to see
Now on Christ we set our minds...
The beauties of Christ are glorious
To these eyes that once were blind!
To these eyes that once were blind!
Ephesians 2:4–6, 2 Corinthians 4:4
January 16, 2019
Anthony Foster
Anthony Foster
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